
What is another word for slow to anger
What is another word for slow to anger

Look what it accomplishes and how destructive it can be. We must study anger throughout the Bible. This should give us hope and the urgency to move intentionally to see this as a "such were some of you" issue in our lives. We can overcome this! God could not give us these admonitions if it were not possible by His grace and the power of the Spirit within us. No one suffered more unjustly and forgave more unconditionally. When we are tempted to anger, we must take a long look at the cross. We should be willing to be wronged and not take offense. The one who overcomes this is seen as a great man for "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city" (Proverbs 16:32). To be willing to suffer in order to achieve God's righteous responses. The Spirit is the One who can produce the self-control we need, but we must place ourselves-intentionally and continually-under His leadership.

what is another word for slow to anger

By letting the Holy Spirit fill us and control our lives, we must think before we respond. If we want to overcome this, we must grow in understanding of what explosive anger is and does. "He who is quick-tempered exalts folly" (Proverbs 14:29). He lets his emotions totally control his response. He understands that it accomplishes nothing of value and merely complicates the problem. He realizes the fruitless and even destructive nature of a quick temper and restrains himself. In other words, the man who is wise, who has understanding, who has insight, controls himself. Slowness to anger is a thinking response. Other translations use the word “sensible.” The Hebrew word can also be translated and defined as “insight, understanding, prudence, i.e., the capacity to understand and as a result act.”

what is another word for slow to anger

The writer of Proverbs says that one of the things that slows anger down is discretion. To let our anger erupt before we’ve even thought about what is happening. Sometimes it's those that we are closest too and love the most. And, there are certain people that we have a greater struggle with in this age-old problem. Some of us have a harder time with this than others.

what is another word for slow to anger

A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.

What is another word for slow to anger